Good morning. Friendly reminder, our annual resource fair is today from 5-7:30pm.. We hope to see you there. Buenos Dias, redordatorio nuestra feria de recursos sera hoy de 5-7:30pm. Esperamos versos ahi!
9 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
resource fair
Schoolwide attendance for 5/15/24 is 96.9%, 157/162
9 months ago, Jeff Delk
Parents. Please look through our lost and found items as we will be removing them very soon. Padres, favor de revisar los articulos perdidos en frente de la oficina. Se removeran muy pronto.
9 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
Schoolwide attendance for 5/14/24 is 93.8%, 152/162
9 months ago, Jeff Delk
Schoolwide attendance for 5/13/24 is 92%, 149/162
9 months ago, Jeff Delk
Schoolwide attendance for 5/10/24 is 92%, 149/162
9 months ago, Jeff Delk
Schoolwide attendance for 5/9/24 is 91.4%, 148/162
9 months ago, Jeff Delk
Schoolwide attendance for 5/8/24 is 93.8%, 152/162
9 months ago, Jeff Delk
Resource Fair May 16th
9 months ago, Jeff Delk
resource fair
resource fair
CORRECTION: PLAN C (2 buses in the AM, only one bus in the PM) Buses 5 & 6 normal morning pick up times Afternoon drop off times may be up to 30 minutes late Corrección: PLAN C (2 autobuses en la mañana, 1 en la tarde) Horarios normales de recogida de los autobuses 5 y 6 por la mañana. El horario de entrega por la tarde puede tener un retraso de hasta 30 minutos.
9 months ago, Jeff Delk
Padres, un recordatorio de que nuestras pruebas estatales anuales han comenzado. Se espera que los estudiantes lleguen a la escuela a tiempo. Ayúdenos asegurándose de que descansen bien por la noche y coman un desayuno saludable. Gracias. Dr. C
9 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
Parents, a friendly reminder that our annual state testing has started. Students are expected to be at school and on time. Please help us by making sure they get a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast. Thank you. Dr. C
9 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
Schoolwide attendance for 5/7/24 is 92%, 149/162
9 months ago, Jeff Delk
Schoolwide attendance for5/6/24 is 93.2%, 151/162
9 months ago, Jeff Delk
Schoolwide attendance for 5/3/24 is 94.4%, 153/162
9 months ago, Jeff Delk
Schoolwide attendance for 5/2/24 is 90.8%, 148/163
9 months ago, Jeff Delk
Schoolwide attendance for 5/1/24 is 89.6%, 146/163
9 months ago, Jeff Delk
Schoolwide attendance for 4/30/24 is 92%, 150/163
9 months ago, Jeff Delk
Parents. The game for today has been cancelled due to the weather and condition of the field. Padres, el juego de el die de hoy a sido cancellado debido a la lluvia y las condiciones de las canchas de el juego. DR. C
9 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
Parents, there is a slight delay in picking up students this morning. Thank you for your flexibility. Padres, hay un corto retraso en recojer los alumnos esta manana. Gracias por su paciencia.
9 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado