Parent Reminder:
Awards assembly May 18
4th-8th @ 12:45 pm.
tk- 3rd @ 1:50 pm.
Recordatorio de Padres
Assemblea de Reconocimientos
18 de mayo
Grados 4 a 8 comenzar
a las 12:45pm
Grados de tk a 3 comenzar
a las 1:50 pm
Schoolwide attendance for 5/8/23 is 92.7%, 139/150
Schoolwide attendance for 5/5/23 is 92.7%, 139/150
Schoolwide attendance for 5/4/32 is 92.7%, 139/150
Utility Bill Assistance for Water and Energy Now Available
Schoolwide attendance for 5/3/23 is 94%, 141/150
Padres de estudiantes de los grados 3-8. Hemos comenzado oficialmente nuestras pruebas estatales. Asegúrese de que su hijo/a esté en la escuela todos los días ya tiempo. Esto es muy importante. Programe citas para después de la escuela o después del medio dia si es absolutamente necesario.
Parents of students grades 3-8. We have officially started our state testing. Please ensure your child is at school everyday and on time. This is very important. Please schedule appointments for after school or after lunch if absolutely necessary.
Padres/tutores legales, ¿sus estudiantes necesitan servicios de tutoría o están interesados en la educación STEAM? El programa extraescolar CHOICES ofrece tutoría, actividades STEAM y mucho más. Estamos llevando a cabo la Orientación para Padres/Estudiantes para el año escolar 2023-24.
Fecha: 2 de mayo de 2023
Lugar: Cafetería (orientación español)
Sala #24 (orientación en inglés)
Hora: 5:30
Parents/legal guardians, do your students need tutoring services or are interested in STEAM education? The CHOICES after-school program provides tutoring, STEAM activities and much more. We are holding Parent/Student Orientation for the 2023-24 school year.
Date: May 2, 2023
Location: Cafeteria (Spanish orientation)
Room #24 (English orientation)
Time: 5:30pm
Schoolwide attendance for 4/27/23 is 89.7%, 134/148
Schoolwide attendance for 4/24/23 is 95.2%, 139/146
Schoolwide attendance for 4/24/23 is 92.5%, 135/146
Schoolwide attendance for 4/21/23 is 93.2%, 136/146
Schoolwide attendance for 4/20/23 is 91.1%, 133/146
The Healthy School Food Pathways Pre-Apprenticeship application is available now. This pre-apprenticeship program will prepare participants to become leaders in school food by providing in-depth knowledge and experiences in developing and administering successful scratch-cooked meal programs. This paid program lasts seven weeks and includes:
Four School Food Institute courses: 20 hours
Two virtual learning sessions: 3 hours
On-the-job learning: 84 hours (12 hours a week)
The Healthy School Food Pathways Pre-Apprenticeship application and program information is available at:
Parents. One bus today. The van will be picking student's up as well. Padres un camión hoy. El vam estará levantando alumnos también. Gracias.
Thank you.
Koffee klatch postponed today. Cafe con el director posponido el día de hoy.
Parents. One bus today. The van will be picking up students. Sorry for the inconvenience. Padre. Solo un camión hoy. El can estára recogiendo estudiantes hoy. Disculpa por la inconveniencia.
Schoolwide attendance for 4/17/23 is 96.6%, 141/146