Mrs. Centeno’s First grade scholars. Tie Dye Day.
Parents. Our photographers will be starting promptly at 8:15 tomorrow. Please ensure your child is at school and on time so they do not miss their picture. Padres. Nuestros fotógrafos estarán comenzando a las 8:15 mañana. Favor de de asegurar que sus hijos lleguen a tiempo.
Parents reminder tomorrow is picture day. Please return the picture envelope with your child with proper payment. Recordatorio manana es de de fotos. Favor de regresar el sobre con su hijo/a con el pago apropiado.
Super hero day. Red ribbon week!
Post Office Field Trip 2nd and 3rd Grade
Post Office Field Trip 2nd and 3rd Grade
Post Office Field Trip 2nd and 3rd Grade
Post Office Field Trip 2nd and 3rd Grade
Post Office Field Trip 2nd and 3rd Grade
Post Office Field Trip 2nd and 3rd Grade
Post Office Field Trip 2nd and 3rd Grade
Post Office Field Trip 2nd and 3rd Grade
Post Office Field Trip 2nd and 3rd Grade
Post Office Field Trip 2nd and 3rd Grade
Parents. We are in need of candy donations for our Harvest Festival. If you are able to donate any, please drop it off in the office. Padres. Estamos en necesidad de dulces para nuestra nuestro Carnaval de Otoño. Si puede donar, entregelo en la oficina.
TK, K and grade 1 field trip to the Porterville Library from 9-12. TK, Kinder, y primer grado paseo a la libreria de Porterville de 9-12.
Terra Bella Health Fair at Carl Smith Middle School from 4-8pm. Feria de Salud hoy de 4-8 en la escuela intermediaria Carl Smith.
California State Parks wants every 4th grader and their families to know about the Adventure Pass! The Adventure Pass will get every 4th grader and their family free admission to 19 participating California State Parks for one year (Sept.-Aug.)
Principal Koffee Klatch this morning at 7:45in room 3. Topic: Harvest Carnival change in time
Junta de cafe con el director, hoy a las 7:45 am en el salon 3. Tema: Carnival de Otoño. Cambio de horario
Principal Koffee Klatch tomorrow morning at 7:30 in room 3. Topic: Harvest Carnival
Junta de cafe con el director, manana a las 7:30 am en el salon 3. Tema: Carnival de Otoño.