Goodies with Grandparents this Friday from 7:30-8:30am. We hope to see you there! Golocinas con Abuelos este viernes de 7:30-8:30am. Esperamos verlos ahi.

Ducor 4H

There will be NO school on Monday, September 5, 2022 for Labor Day. Please plan accordingly. No habra clases el lunes, 5 de septiembre 2022 en observacion de el dia laboral. Favor de hacer planes de antemano.

There will be NO school on Monday, September 5, 2022 for Labor Day. Please plan accordingly. No habra clases el lunes, 5 de septiembre 2022 en observacion de el dia laboral. Favor de hacer planes de antemano.

Family Astronomy Night
Friday, September 23 from 7 until 9 PM
Students, their families, and the public are invited to:
● Enjoy an evening of stargazing at Circle J– Norris Ranch
● Guide a telescope with direction from amateur astronomers
● View stars, constellations, galaxies, Saturn’s rings, and Jupiter and
its moons
● Hear the constellation mythology of many cultures

There will be NO school on Monday, September 5, 2022 for Labor Day. Please plan accordingly. No habra clases el lunes, 5 de septiembre 2022 en observacion de el dia laboral. Favor de hacer planes de antemano.

Parents and Family. Reminder, Back to School Night this evening starting at 6:00pm. We hope to see you there! Padres e Familiares. Recordatorio, Noche de Regreso a Clases hoy comenzando a las 6:00pm. Esperamos verlos aqui.

Volleyball players practicing their bump set spike skills! Getting ready for their first game.
Goo Rams!!

Parent Meeting tonight from 6-7 pm. Junta de Padres hoy de 6-7 pm.

Koffee klatch tomorrow at 7:30am Meet the principal. Bring ideas and let’s chat. Room 3
Toma café con el director. Vengan a las 7:30 a platicar de que quieren mejorar. En el salón 3

Vincent Van Gogh - Starry Night art project

Good morning. Our parent night scheduled for today at 6 has been rescheduled to next Thursday, August 25th at 6. Hope to see you there.
Buenos días. La junta de padres hoy en la tarde a sido cambiada a el próximo jueves 25 de agosto a las 6 pm. Esperamos verlos ahí.

Koffee Klatch/Meet the Principal scheduled for tomorrow has been rescheduled to next Thursday, August 25th from 7:30-8:30am.
La junta Koffee Klatch/Venga a conocer a el director sitada el dia de manana a sido cambiada a el proximo jueves 25 de agosto de 7:30-8:30am.

Padres. Si planea que su hijo no tome el autobús a casa porque los va a recoger, llame y informe a la oficina al menos 20 minutos antes. Esto permite que nuestros maestros y conductores de autobuses estén informados para evitar cambios de última hora en el horario de nuestra ruta y establecer la seguridad de los estudiantes, ya que los niños tienen que bajar del autobús ya cuando an bordado.
Dr. Coronado

Parents. If you plan to have your child not ride the bus home on any given day, kindly call and inform the office at least 20 minutes before. This allows our teachers and bus drivers to be informed to avoid last minute changes to our route schedule and safeguard student safety as kids are having to un board the bus once they are loaded on.
Dr. Coronado

Ducor's Parent Night scheduled this evening has been rescheduled to next Thursday, August 18th at 6:00 pm. We hope to see you there next week!
La junta de Padres de Ducor de hoy a sido cambiada a el proximo jueves 18 de agosto a las 6:00 pm. Esperamos verlos la proxima semana.

¡Podemos ver patrones matemáticos! ¡Estamos construyendo conexiones entre patrones y números y sus relaciones! ¡Roca de cuarto grado! Todos vemos las matemáticas de manera diferente y eso es asombroso. Un saludo a Kim Webb de TCOE por toda su ayuda con las matemáticas

We can see math patterns! We are building connection betweens patterns and numbers and their realationships! 4th grade rock! We all see math differently and that is amazing. Shout out to Kim Webb from TCOE for all your math help!

Community meeting at 6:00. Please come join and help our community.
Junta comunitaria a las 6:00. Venga únase con nosotros y ayude a nuestra comunidad

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