Fun Friday is the best. 😎
over 4 years ago, Louis Smith
Fun Friday is the best 😎
Mr Smith and Ms Flores, PE fun Friday.
over 4 years ago, Ducor UESD
Good Morning. The food distribution is today from 10-2 pm. Reminder NO school Wednesday November 11, Veterans Day Last day of classes is November 20 Winter break starting November 23 to January 3, 2021. Parent Conference will begin this week. Buenos días. La distribución de alimentos es hoy de 10 a 2 pm. Recordatorio NO hay clases el miércoles 11 de noviembre, Día de los Veteranos El último día de clases es el 20 de noviembre. Vacaciones de invierno a partir del 23 de noviembre al 3 de enero de 2021. La conferencia de padres comenzará esta semana.
over 4 years ago, Isidro Rodriguez
This Years Red Ribbon Week will be done through zoom classes. Hope you can participate in Zoom Dress Up days and helping Ducor School send the message. 🚫Be Happy! Be Brave! Be Drug Free! 🚫 La Semana del Listón Rojo de este año se realizará a través de clases de zoom. Espero que puedan participar en los días de Zoom Dress Up y ayudar a la Escuela Ducor a enviar el mensaje. ¡Sé feliz! ¡Sé valiente! ¡Esté libre de drogas! 🚫
over 4 years ago, Lupita Flores
Red Ribbon Dress Up days! Oct.26th- 30th
Ducor Parents, Reminder Food Distribution is Monday Oct. 12 and School Board meeting October 13 at 5:30 pm Padres de Ducor, recordatorio de distribución de alimentos el lunes 12 de octubre y la reunión de la junta escolar el 13 de octubre a las 5:30 pm
over 4 years ago, Isidro Rodriguez
Mobile testing
over 4 years ago, Ducor UESD
pruebas mobiles
mobile testing
Please read and complete Leer y complete porfavor
over 4 years ago, Ducor UESD
household income
Food distribution
over 4 years ago, Ducor UESD
food distribution
Food distribution
over 4 years ago, Ducor UESD
food distribution today 5-7 pm
September 10
over 4 years ago, Ducor UESD
food distribution
Fun Friday with Mr. Smith and Solis
over 4 years ago, Louis Smith
Fun Friday with Mr.  Smith and Solis 😎
Welcome back everyone P. E. Starts Monday look at your email for your zoom link and to add your google class. Stay safe 😎
over 4 years ago, Louis Smith
8 th grade graduation we will miss you😎
almost 5 years ago, Louis Smith
8 th grade graduation we will miss you 😎
CHOICES Registraions forms ...
almost 5 years ago, Lupita Flores
CHOICES is handing out registration forms for school year 2020-2021 today from 4-6pm in front Ducor school! CHOICES  esta repartiendo Registraciones para el ano escolar 2020-2021. Hoy 5/20/2020 de 4-6pm
Class of 2020 ✨👩🏽‍🎓👨🏾‍🎓 preparation!🤩
almost 5 years ago, Lupita Flores
Class of 2020!👩🏽‍🎓🧑🏽‍🎓 preperation! You can do It! FINISH STRONG!!!!! 💪🏼
As staff we want to congratulate our future graduate class of 2020 with a banner you can do it!!!!🥇🤟🏽💪🏼🎉🎉
Outstanding Distant Learners!
almost 5 years ago, Sarina Acevedo
Love Mrs Acevedo
Love Mrs Acevedo
Love Mrs Acevedo
TK-3 grade students in physical education class learning sport skills using items around the house 😎
almost 5 years ago, Louis Smith
TK-3 in physical education google classroom learning sports skills using items from around the house 😎
TK-3 grade students in physical education class learning sport skills using items around the house 😎
almost 5 years ago, Louis Smith
TK-3 grade in physical education google classroom learning how to use soccer skills at home 😎
All-stars of P. E.
almost 5 years ago, Louis Smith
All-stars of P.  E.
TK-3 grade students in physical education class learning sport skills using items around the house 😎
almost 5 years ago, Louis Smith
TK-3 grade students in physical education google classroom in learning to juggle with items around the house 😎