great teamwork 4th-6th grade kids!!! you did so good today at your baseball/softball game!!!! We are proud of you all!!!! GO RAMS!! ¡¡¡gran trabajo en equipo niños de 4º a 6º grado!!! ¡lo hiciste muy bien hoy en tu juego de béisbol/softbol! Estamos orgullosos de todos ustedes!!!! ¡¡VAMOS RAMOS!!
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
great teamwork 4th-6th grade kids!!! you did so good today at your baseball/softball game!!!! We are proud of you all!!!! GO RAMS!! ¡¡¡gran trabajo en equipo niños de 4º a 6º grado!!! ¡lo hiciste muy bien hoy en tu juego de béisbol/softbol! Estamos orgullosos de todos ustedes!!!! ¡¡VAMOS RAMOS!!
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
Cal Fire visit.
almost 3 years ago, Ms. Barajas
Captain Cals story..
hanging with Captain Cal.
NEW DEADLINE APRIL 4th 1pm!!! Subject: SoCalGas Scholarships Dear valued community partner, I am pleased to inform you that the SoCalGas Scholarship Programs are now open! The programs are live and will close on Monday, March 28, 2022 at 1:00pm PT. This year, students must submit their application online through Scholarship America. Please see a brief description of each program below: SoCalGas 4-year University Scholarship Program - Open to graduating high school seniors Plan to enroll as a full-time undergraduate at an accredited four-year college or university Live within SoCalGas service territory 3.00 or greater GPA Major – STEM, Finance, Accounting $5,000 award that can be renewed for up to 3 additional years (total potential scholarship award of $20,000 over 4 years of study) SoCalGas Community College and Trades Scholarship Program - Open to graduating high school seniors and current college undergraduates Plan to enroll as a full-time undergraduate at an accredited 2-year community college or trades school Live within SoCalGas service territory 3.00 or greater GPA Major – STEM, Business Administration or trades (plumbing, electrical, HVAC, or welding) $1,000 award *not renewable but past recipients are allowed to reapply the following year* We look forward to another year of successful scholarship programs. Thank you for all you do in the community! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
almost 3 years ago, Jeff Delk
Book Fair next week! April 4-8 from 8:30-1:00pm in the library ¡Feria del Libro la próxima semana! 4 al 8 de abril del 8:30 al 1:00 pm en la libreria.
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
DUESD Book Fair
Book Fair next week! April 4-8 from 830-130. ¡Feria del Libro la próxima semana! 4 al 8 de abril del 830 al 130.
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
book fair
book fair flier
*****Parent university Meeting**** *****Universidad de Padres*****
almost 3 years ago, Lupita Flores
*****££The lady Rams putting in work!! So determine to gain softball experience because they never played before😳! They tied the game 8-8. Huge shout out to Mrs.Centeno first grade teacher for staying after school and helping our girls practice their pitching!! We appreciate you!!🥎💙Thank you to our coaches for helping our girls be ready. Great job to our boys as well because they also tied not allowing any runs******* La señoritas Rams poniendo manos a la obra!! ¡ Determinadas en obtener experiencia en softbol porque nunca habían jugado antes😳! Empataron el juego 8-8. ¡Un gran agradecimiento a la maestra de primer grado de la Sra. Centeno por quedarse después de la escuela y ayudar a nuestras niñas a practicar su lanzamiento! ¡¡La apreciamos!! 💙Gracias a nuestros entrenadores por ayudar a nuestras chicas a estar listas. Buen trabajos a los niños también empataron porque no permitieron ninguna carreras. #DucorRAMS #nevergiveup
almost 3 years ago, Lupita Flores
🥎🥎lady Rams🥎🥎
Reminder. 8th grade parent meeting at 6 pm in Ms. West’s classroom. Recordatorio. Junta de padres de octavo grado a las 6 en el salón de Ms. West.
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
8th grade meeting. Thursday, March 24 at 6pm in Miss West’s room. Looking forward to seeing you there! 😄
almost 3 years ago, Sarah West
We will only have one bus route home today after school. Thank you for your flexibility. Dr. Coronado Tendremos nada mas un camion llevando alumnos a la casa por la tarde. Gracias por su flexibilidad. Dr. Coronado
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
Haga clic aquí para ver un video sobre nuestra nueva aplicación de sitio web.
almost 3 years ago, Jeff Delk
Click here to watch a video about our new website app.
almost 3 years ago, Jeff Delk
Baking bread and making butter in K/1st.
almost 3 years ago, Jeff Delk
Baking bread in K/1st
Felicidades a nuestros Estudiantes de Arte Ducor!!! Y uno de alumnos de kínder!!! ¡Buen trabajo para todos los estudiantes que enviaron obras de arte en el concurso de arte de agua limpia 2022 de Tule Basin Water Basin Quality Coalition! Melissa 2.º grado: ¡fue la ganadora del lugar en la categoría de y 2.º grado y la ganadora general del lugar! Isabell 2do grado- Ganador del 2do lugar por ganar la categoría de 1ro-2do grado!!! Felicidades a Sergio de Kinder por ganar el 1er lugar en la categoría de kindergarten!!!
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
Sergio 1st place
Isabella 2nd place
Melissa 1st place
Happy St. Patrick Day from the 4th grade class!!!! Maybe you all have good luck this year! 🍀 ¡Feliz Día de San Patricio de parte de la clase de 4to grado! ¡Quizás todos tengan buena suerte este año! 🍀
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
State Migrant Parent Conference—March 19 The CDE will host the 41st State Migrant Parent Conference virtually on Saturday, March 19, 2022, with the theme, “Literacy for All: Reading Is an Adventure in Any Culture.” The statewide conference is an important component of the Migrant Education Program that connects families and provides resources to help parents recognize meaningful ways to engage in their children's academic success. This year’s keynote speaker is Dolores Huerta, American labor leader and civil rights activist. For information and to register, visit the event website at . Please email with any additional questions.
almost 3 years ago, Jeff Delk
Congratulations to our Ducor Art Students!!! And one of kindergarten students!!! great job to all of students that submitted art work into the Tule Basin Water Basin Quality Coalition 2022 clean water art contest! Melissa 2nd grade- she was the 1st place winner for 1st and 2nd grade category and overall 1st place winner!!! Isabell 2nd grade- 2nd place winner for winning the 1st-2nd grade category!!! Congratulations to Sergio in Kinder for winning 1st place in the kindergarten category!!!
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
1st place winner (kindergarten category)
1st place winner (1-2 grade category and overall)
2nd place (1-2 grade category)
Ducor Town Hall
almost 3 years ago, Jeff Delk
Ducor Town Hall
Click on the link to see all the photos from Dr. Seuss week.
about 3 years ago, Jeff Delk