FYI Parents:) Para informacion de Padres
about 3 years ago, Lupita Flores
FYI: Porterville Community Resource Fair
Para su informacion: Feria de Recursos Comunitarios
Reminder parent there will be no CHOICES afterschool today 3/4/2022. Please make sure you pick up your student at dismissal time 2:50pm ********Recordatorio a los padres que no habrá el programa de CHOICES después de la escuela hoy 3/4/2022. Asegúrese de recoger a su estudiante a la hora de salida a las 2:50 p. m.
about 3 years ago, Lupita Flores
Dear Parents we would like to inform you that on Friday 3/4/2022 @ 2:15pm we have a Staff vs Student game plan. As I was checking the weather I noticed rain in our Ducor forecast. If it does rain we will postpone the this schedule Staff vs Student game. Thank you for support. Go RAMS:) Estimados padres, nos gustaría informarles que el viernes 4 de marzo de 2022 a las 2:15 p. m. tendremos un plan de juego entre el personal y los estudiantes. Mientras revisaba el clima, noté lluvia en nuestro pronóstico de Ducor. Si llueve, pospondremos el juego Staff vs Student de este horario. Gracias por su apoyo. Vamos RAMOS :)
about 3 years ago, Lupita Flores
Working hard
about 3 years ago, Jeff Delk
Working hard
The Lorax Day!
about 3 years ago, Sarah West
Dr. Seuss Week, Mustache Day
about 3 years ago, Jeff Delk
Dr. Seuss Week, Mustache Day
Dr. Seuss Week, Mustache Day
Dr. Seuss Week, Mustache Day
about 3 years ago, Jeff Delk
Dr. Seuss Week, Mustache Day
Dr. Seuss Week, Mustache Day
Dr. Seuss Week, Mustache Day
Dr. Seuss Week, Mustache Day
about 3 years ago, Jeff Delk
Dr. Seuss Week, Mustache Day
Dr. Seuss Week, Mustache Day
Dr. Seuss Week, Mustache Day
Dr. Seuss Week, Mustache Day
Parent University:) Universidad de padres:)
about 3 years ago, Lupita Flores
Reminder  Parent Meeting.
Recordatorio Junta de padres.
Dr. Seuss Day Dress Up Days. Please click on the link to view. We have also sent one home with students. Día de disfraces del Dr. Seuss. Por favor, haga clic en el enlace para ver. También hemos enviado uno a casa con los estudiantes.
about 3 years ago, Lupita Flores
Dr. Seuss Dress up days:)
March 2022 Newsletter
about 3 years ago, Lupita Flores
Noticias de Ducor del Mes de Marzo 2022
March 2022 Newsletter
Art class is entering the clean water challenge!
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
Art class is entering the clean water challenge!
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
Student body frisbee water bottle knock down activity at recess😎👍🏻
about 3 years ago, Louis Smith
 frisbee water bottle knock down activity at recess
student body frisbee water bottle knock down activity at recess .
 frisbee water bottle knock down activity at recess
2022 basketball tournament 🏀
about 3 years ago, Kasey Peevy
2022 basketball tournament 🏀
about 3 years ago, Kasey Peevy
2022 basketball tournament 🏀
about 3 years ago, Kasey Peevy
Basketball tournament 2022 🏀
about 3 years ago, Kasey Peevy
Reading outside ☀️☀️
about 3 years ago, Kasey Peevy
Art class was learning about contrast.... they took and painted wood hearts and then use a spong and stencil to make cute valentines works of art!!! #soproud!
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter