Winter session STEAM activities!
over 3 years ago, Sarah West
Boys won tournament undefeated season very proud of all of them and their hard work ⚽️😎
over 3 years ago, Louis Smith
Boys won tournament undefeated season very proud of all of them and their hard work ⚽️😎
Boys won tournament undefeated season very proud of all of them and their hard work ⚽️😎
Parent University
over 3 years ago, Jeff Delk
Parent University
Way to go boy’ssoccer teams both won. Super proud of you all 😎👍🏻
over 3 years ago, Louis Smith
over 3 years ago, Mr. Morales
Sixth and seventh grade enjoying the trails at SCICON.
Sixth and seventh grade enjoying the trails at SCICON.
Sixth and seventh grade enjoying the trails at SCICON.
Sixth and seventh grade enjoying the trails at SCICON.
Sixth and seventh grade enjoying the trails at SCICON.
over 3 years ago, Mr. Morales
2021 SICON
over 3 years ago, Mr. Morales
Sixth and seventh grade enjoying the trails at SCICON.
Sixth and seventh grade enjoying the trails at SCICON.
Sixth and seventh grade enjoying the trails at SCICON.
Friendly Reminder Parents! Please return your child's Winter Intercession form to the office ASAP. Thank you! Dr. Coronado Recordatorio padres! Favor de regresar el permiso para la intercession de invierno a la oficina lo mas pronto possible! Gracias. Atte: Dr. Coronado
over 3 years ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
Congratulations boys and girls won soccer game Friday 😎👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
over 3 years ago, Louis Smith
Fifth and Sixth grade science!
over 3 years ago, Mr. Morales
Microscope cell lab.
Microscope cell lab
microscope cell lab
Student body got the banners up 👍🏻
over 3 years ago, Louis Smith
student body got the banners up 👍🏻
student body got the banners up 👍🏻
student body got the banners up 👍🏻
The boys won the first soccer game 😃
over 3 years ago, Louis Smith
The A team won the first soccer game😀
Students learning how to juggle 😎
over 3 years ago, Louis Smith
students learning to juggle 😎
Kinder fun
over 3 years ago, Ms. Barajas
kinder fun
Tk-Kinder and First Grade learning about Fire Safety.
over 3 years ago, Ms. Barajas
First grade
TK-Kinder and First grade.  Fire safety.
Thanks football students for all your hard work congratulations on the win today 🏈
over 3 years ago, Louis Smith
football 🏈
Student body working hard for tournament 😎
over 3 years ago, Louis Smith
Thanks student body students for helping with set up of the tournament 😎
awesome 😎
Muffins with Mom 2021 was a SUCCESS!!!! Thanks you to all the families that could make it this morning! you made ours scholars day!!!!
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
TCOE Behavioral Health Services está organizando una capacitación virtual titulada “Taller de Consciencia sobre el Suicidio para Padres”. Esta es una gran oportunidad para crear conciencia sobre el suicidio en su comunidad de habla hispana.
over 3 years ago, Jeff Delk
Servicio de salud conductual TCOE
Moms and Muffins October 14, 2021 Cafeteria 7:45-8:30am No U turns in front of the school. Parking on south east fence. If you wish to park on the north side of the street, please come around from the east and park accordingly. Staff will be available to help cross you and students. Mamas y Panecillos octubre 12, 2021 No se permite dar vuelta en frente de la escuela. El estacionamiento se tomara en el lado sureste de la escuela. Si desea estacionarse en el lado norte de la calle, venga desde el este y estacionese. El personal estará disponible para ayudarlo a cruzar la calle a usted y a los estudiantes.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado