October is full of activities! We are sending flyer home as well with the students😃 Octubre está lleno de actividades! Estaremos enviado la Folleto con los estudiantes.😃
over 3 years ago, Lupita Flores
October Newsletter!!:)
over 3 years ago, Lupita Flores
October 2021 Ducor Ram News
Noticias de Ducor del Mes de Octubre 2021
8th grade paper airplane science experiment! ✈
over 3 years ago, Sarah West
8th grade paper airplane science experiment! ✈
over 3 years ago, Sarah West
Learning how to play floor hockey
over 3 years ago, Louis Smith
students learning how to play floor hocke
Home Game vs. St. Anne. Great Job Rams way to play Volleyball! #GO 🐏 #Teamwork
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
Great Job Rams way to play Volleyball #GO 🐏 #Teamwork
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
Great Job Rams way to play Football! #GO 🐏 #Teamwork
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
Friday Home Game vs. St. Anne Great Job Rams way to play Football! #GO 🐏 #Teamwork
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
Very proud of all the students who had good grades and played in the sports game 🏈🏐
over 3 years ago, Louis Smith
very proud of all the students who had good grades and played in the sports games 🏈🏐
I want to give a shout out our Boys and Girls that were able to play in our FRIST home Football and Volleyball Games against St.Anne’s Friday September 10,2021! Keep preserving this season it was a close one!!🏈🏐 Team B Volleyball Girls scores Ducor 17-25 St.Anne’s Ducor 19-25 A Team Girls Ducor 22-25 St.Anne’s Ducor 08-25 “” *I do not get score for football😅 Thank you everyone that came out and supported and cheered our RAMS!!!!🙌🏽‼️💯🏐🏈
over 3 years ago, Lupita Flores
KiD PoWEr:StudentBody super excited to be preparing for their First HOME Football 🏈and Volleyball 🏐game!!!! Shout out to our staff as well for persevering and not giving up and making sure we had our Cup Rammie Up for the game!🤩
over 3 years ago, Lupita Flores
Mission accomplished💯‼️😃🥲😉
KiD PoWEr:StudentBody super excited to be preparing for their First HOME Football 🏈and Volleyball 🏐game!!!! Shout out to our staff as well for persevering and not giving up and making sure we had our Cup Rammie Up for the game!🤩
over 3 years ago, Lupita Flores
Sixth and fifth grade Farm Design Project.
over 3 years ago, Mr. Morales
Sixth/fifth grade STEM.
Sixth/fifth STEM.
Sixth and fifth grade Farm Design STEM project.
over 3 years ago, Mr. Morales
Sixth/fifth grade stem.
Sixth/fifth grade stem
Sixth and fifth grade working on their STEM project.
over 3 years ago, Mr. Morales
Teachers working late to make Kid Power dreams a Reality! #TeachersROCK #KidPowerGoals #GORAMS
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
Kid Power working as a team to get our Rammie cups up before our first game! These kids have the power to make chnage happen! Great Job Guys! #KIDPOWER #GORAMS #TEAMWORK #LEADERS #KIDSHAVETHEPOWERTO MAKECHANGE Thank you Alex and Baltazar for taking pictures!
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
Who knew rams could swim? Ducor School Know! Awesome Job Ducor Rams! What great swimmers you all are! #1stfeildtripoftheyear #swim lessons #PEROCK #grades3-5
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
Who knew rams could swim? Ducor School Know! Awesome Job Ducor Rams! What great swimmers you all are! #1stfeildtripoftheyear #swim lessons #PEROCK #grades3-5
over 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter