October is full of activities! We are sending flyer home as well with the students😃
Octubre está lleno de actividades! Estaremos enviado la Folleto con los estudiantes.😃

October Newsletter!!:)

8th grade paper airplane science experiment! ✈

8th grade paper airplane science experiment! ✈

Learning how to play floor hockey

Home Game vs. St. Anne.
Great Job Rams way to play Volleyball!
#GO 🐏

Great Job Rams way to play Volleyball
#GO 🐏

Great Job Rams way to play Football!
#GO 🐏

Friday Home Game vs. St. Anne
Great Job Rams way to play Football!
#GO 🐏

Very proud of all the students who had good grades and played in the sports game 🏈🏐

I want to give a shout out our Boys and Girls that were able to play in our FRIST home Football and Volleyball Games against St.Anne’s Friday September 10,2021!
Keep preserving this season it was a close one!!🏈🏐
Team B Volleyball Girls scores
Ducor 17-25 St.Anne’s
Ducor 19-25
A Team Girls
Ducor 22-25 St.Anne’s
Ducor 08-25 “”
*I do not get score for football😅
Thank you everyone that came out and supported and cheered our RAMS!!!!🙌🏽‼️💯🏐🏈

KiD PoWEr:StudentBody super excited to be preparing for their First HOME Football 🏈and Volleyball 🏐game!!!! Shout out to our staff as well for persevering and not giving up and making sure we had our Cup Rammie Up for the game!🤩

KiD PoWEr:StudentBody super excited to be preparing for their First HOME Football 🏈and Volleyball 🏐game!!!! Shout out to our staff as well for persevering and not giving up and making sure we had our Cup Rammie Up for the game!🤩

Sixth and fifth grade Farm Design Project.

Sixth and fifth grade Farm Design STEM project.

Sixth and fifth grade working on their STEM project.

Teachers working late to make Kid Power dreams a Reality!
#TeachersROCK #KidPowerGoals

Kid Power working as a team to get our Rammie cups up before our first game! These kids have the power to make chnage happen! Great Job Guys!
Thank you Alex and Baltazar for taking pictures!

Who knew rams could swim? Ducor School Know! Awesome Job Ducor Rams! What great swimmers you all are! #1stfeildtripoftheyear #swim lessons #PEROCK #grades3-5

Who knew rams could swim? Ducor School Know! Awesome Job Ducor Rams! What great swimmers you all are! #1stfeildtripoftheyear #swim lessons #PEROCK #grades3-5