Miss Hunter's class tie-dying shirts for our spirit day on Friday! #GORAMS #4graderocks #science

Flashlight Monday! 📖 🔦

Flashlight Monday! 📖 🔦

Flashlight Monday in Miss Hunter's 4th grade Class!! 🔦 📖

Happy Birthday Mr. Rodriguez! You're the best superintendent ever! Miss Hunter's class celebrating our leaders Birthday!
#happybirthday #GORAMS

Miss Hunter's class tie-dying shirts for our spirit day on Friday! #GORAMS #4graderocks #science


Miss Hunter's class tie-dying shirts for our spirit day on Friday! #GORAMS #4graderocks #science

8th graders READING!

Great times at recess 😎

Teacher showing students how to boogie board 😎

Dance 😎

Movies 😎

Water Day 4Th and 5Th 😎

Tk and Kinder forming snakes...

Field Trip with Awesome students 😎

School Board Meeting
June 8, 2021
5:30 pm
Cafeteria, Ducor Elementary

*Parent Meeting TODAY JUNE 1, 2021!!!
* Reunion de Padres HOY 01 de Junio del 2021.
@ 6 pm.
Via Zoom
Meeting ID: 480 675 5425
Passcode: Ducor
* For help joining meeting over the phone please call
Ms. Solis
We will be takin any questions and talking about Summer School.
Si necesita ayuda por teléfono marque a la Senorita Solis
Estaremos tomando preguntas y hablando sobre Escuela de Verano

Hamburger day 4th grade class 😎

Kid Power Student Body would like to thank everyone for participating in our art contest. Please watch the video for each class winner and the Overall winner of our PRIZE box!!!
El cuerpo estudiantil de Kid Power desea agradecer a todos por participar en nuestro concurso de arte. ¡Mire el video de cada ganador de la clase y el ganador general de nuestra caja de PREMIOS!