Does your student(s) need tutoring services or perhaps interested in STEM activities, physical education, and/or reward systems? The CHOICES after-school program provides tutoring services Monday-Friday, enrichment activities, physical education such as cheer and Sports For Learning, ClassCraft and so much more. We are now accepting applications for the 2021-2022 school year. Are you interested in registering your student(s)? You may pick up a registration form on Thursday, May 20, 2021 and Friday, May 21, 2021 at 4:00pm-6:00pm. Ms. Rodriguez will be there to answer any questions or concerns. You may also pick up a registration form from Ruby in the main office. Parents and/or guardians are responsible for filling out the registration form. Drop off dates are Thursday, May 27, 2021 and Friday, May 28, 2021 at 4:00pm-6:00pm. Please contact the site lead, Ms. Rodriguez, at (559) 909-8115 via phone or via email. Registration (PICK-UP) date and time: Thursday, May 20, 2021 and Friday, May 21, 2021 at 4:00pm-6:00pm Registration (DROP-OFF) date and time: Thursday, May 27, 2021 and Friday, May 28, 2021 at 4:00pm-6:00pm Registration location: Ducor Union Elementary School (FRONT PARKING LOT. OUTSIDE THE CAFETERIA.) Registration deadline: Wednesday, June 15, 2021
almost 4 years ago, Stephanie Rodriguez
Choices After School Program
TK/Kinder Opera Virtual Field trip..
almost 4 years ago, Ms. Barajas
TK and Kinder VIrtual Opera Day...
TK and Kinder VIrtual Opera Day...
4 TH Grade reading time outside 😎
almost 4 years ago, Louis Smith
Reading Time 😎
4TH Grade Chicken Masks Class Photo 😎
almost 4 years ago, Louis Smith
Chicken Day
Art Winner 😎
almost 4 years ago, Louis Smith
Art Winner 😎
TK and Kinder Science Day!!
almost 4 years ago, Ms. Barajas
Science with TK and kinder
paper planes
TK and Kinder Science experiment
flying planes
TK and Kinder paper planes flying day....
almost 4 years ago, Ms. Barajas
Flying paper planes..
Our new TK student...
almost 4 years ago, Ms. Barajas
a day in TK..
From our garden to our parents home.. TK/K students.
almost 4 years ago, Ms. Barajas
fruits of our garden..
uprooting our plants 🪴
Mother’s Day gifts from our garden..
TK and Kinder uprooting our Mother’s Day plants..
almost 4 years ago, Ms. Barajas
our beautiful plants..
TK and Kinder uprooting our plants..
uprooting our Mother’s Day plant..
Tortilla Friday...TK and Kinder
almost 4 years ago, Ms. Barajas
making tortillas Friday
TK enjoying tortillas made by them.
Programa de capacitación en liderazgo para la prevención del abuso infantil.
almost 4 years ago, Jeff Delk
Programa de capacitación en liderazgo para la prevención del abuso infantil (español)
Child Abuse Prevention Leadership Training Program (English)
almost 4 years ago, Jeff Delk
Child Abuse Prevention Leadership Training Program
Ducor Special Board Meeting April 27, 2021 3:30-6:30
almost 4 years ago, Jeff Delk
Community helpers in Tk-Kinder
almost 4 years ago, Ms. Barajas
a diver!!
firemen in the house..
kinder class having 🤩 fun!!
Community workers in TK/Kinder
almost 4 years ago, Ms. Barajas
doctor and chef..
Ms. Chef..
a painter!!
Earth day fun!!
almost 4 years ago, Ms. Barajas
A day of planting in TK- Kinder class
just planting away..
Earth day in TK and Kinder!! Planting Succulents..
almost 4 years ago, Ms. Barajas
Tk fun..
kinder fun!!
planting succulents for earth day!!
Reminder We have parent meeting tonight 4/20/2021 @ 5pm Via Zoom. Link is provided below to connect. Recordatorio a los padres que Hoy 4/20/2021 nos reuniremos a las 5pm via ZOOM. Use la link de abajo para conectarse.
almost 4 years ago, Lupita Flores
almost 4 years ago, Lupita Flores
Important!!! Please Share!