Parents/Guardians. We had a practice lockdown drill just a few minutes ago and I am pleased to say we were able to secure the entire campus in less than three minutes. We will continue to rehearse these during random times to be prepared in the event of a real emergency. Thank you for your understanding and support. Reminder, ALL visitors must report and check into the main office, no exceptions! DRC
3 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
Schoolwide attendance for 10/22/24 is 94.9%, 131/138
3 months ago, Jeff Delk
Rutas de autobús para el martes 22 PLAN B (Solo un autobús) Autobús 6 (Sr. Jeff) horario normal de recogida por la mañana. Horario de recogida del autobús 5 (Sr. Ochoa) por la mañana = 20-30 minutos de retraso, recogida en Ave 2 a las 8:25. Los horarios de entrega de los autobuses 5 y 6 por la tarde no han cambiado.
3 months ago, Jeff Delk
Bus routes for Tuesday 22nd PLAN B (One bus only) Bus 6 (Mr. Jeff) normal morning pickup times. Bus 5 (Mr. Ochoa) morning pick up times = 20-30 minutes late, Ave 2 pickup at 8:25. Bus 5 & 6 Afternoon drop off times not changed
3 months ago, Jeff Delk
Schoolwide attendance for 10/21/24 is 92.4%, 130/138.
3 months ago, Jeff Delk
Ruta de autobús para el martes 22 PLAN B (solamente un autobus ) Bus 6 (Mr. Jeff) Horario normal de levantar Bus 5 (Mr. Ochoa) Horarios de levantar en la mañana = 20-30 minutos tarde, Ave 2 camioneta recoger Bus 5 & 6 Horario de transporte en la tarde sigue igual
3 months ago, Jeff Delk
Bus routes for Tuesday 22nd PLAN B (One bus only) Bus 6 (Mr. Jeff) normal morning pickup times. Bus 5 (Mr. Ochoa) morning pick up times = 20-30 minutes late, Ave 2 pickup by van Bus 5 & 6 Afternoon drop off times not changed
3 months ago, Jeff Delk
Ducor TK students with their pumpkins at the Ford Family Farm Experience.
4 months ago, Jeff Delk
Ducor Kinder students with their pumpkins at the Ford Family Farm Experience.
4 months ago, Jeff Delk
Ducor Kinder and TK students feeding rabbits at the Ford Farmily Farm Experience.
4 months ago, Jeff Delk
Padres/Guardianes. Hoy hay dispensa de alimentos en la escuela intermediaria Carl Smith de Terra Bella de 3-5pm. Habra hasta que se termine. Parents/Guardians, today there is a food distribution at Carl Smith middle school in Terra Bella from 3-5pm. They will have food until it runs out. DRC
4 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
Good morning. Bus 5 is running a bit behind schedule due to road construction. It will be about 10 minutes late. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding. DRC Buenos dias. El camion 5 esta retrasado un poco debido a construccion en la carretera. Esperen unos 10 minutos de tardanza esta manana. Gracias por su flexibilidad y comprehension. DRC
4 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
We are still selling YO Yo To pay it forward :) Thank you NED show! I have attached the link for the YoYo trick. We only take cash. "Seguimos vendiendo YO Yo para devolver el favor :) ¡Gracias NED show! He adjuntado el enlace para los trucos de YoYo. Solo aceptamos efectivo."
4 months ago, Lupita Flores
YoYo Sale/Venta
Parents. Yo-yo sales continue today. We will attempt to begin today at 745 pending staffing. If not they will be available during recess and after school at 2:50. More details to follow. Thanks, Dr. C Padres, la venta de yo-yo's continuara hoy a las 7:45 dependiendo de el personal que me ayude a organizar la venta. Si no estaran disponibles despues de clases a las 2:50. Mas detalles seguiran. DRC
4 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
Save The Date! :) Guarden la fecha!
4 months ago, Lupita Flores
Oct .24
Parents. Yo-yo sales begin today. We will attempt to begin today at 745 pending staffing. If not they will be available during recess and after school at 2:50.More details to follow. Thanks, Dr. C Padres, la venta de yo-yo's comienza hoy a las 7:45 dependiendo de el personal que me ayude a organizar la venta. Si no estaran disponibles despues de clases a las 2:50. Mas detalles seguiran. DRC
4 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
Padres/Guardianes. Recordatorio amable: hoy no hay clases. Las clases se reanudan mañana martes 15 de octubre de 2024 con el mismo horario. Asegúrese de que su hijo/a llegue a la escuela a tiempo. Cada minuto importa. Gracias. DRC
4 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
Parents/Guardians. Friendly reminder, there is no school today. School resumes tomorrow, Tuesday, October 15, 2024 with the same schedule. Please ensure your child arrives to school on time. Every minute matters. DRC
4 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
TCOE Behavioral Health Services is providing a VIRTUAL training for parents/caregivers titled “Bullying Prevention” on October 21, 2024. Intended Audience: Parents and Caregivers. Location: VIRTUAL. The Zoom link will be provided to all registered participants prior to the training. Please see attached flyer for more details.
4 months ago, Jeff Delk
bullying prevention
Schoolwide attendance for 10/11/24 is 91.9%, 125/136.
4 months ago, Jeff Delk